EOY / NathanPhotoAdvent22
End of Year and the launch of #NathanPhotoAdvent22 - The build up to Christmas
As we are approaching the end of 2022 and in the immortal words of Celine Dion…
“What have you done?”
Well think it’s been quite a year for all of us, so as it closes, I will be looking back on it via 12 images which I’ll post in the New Year, but as December slides into our DM’s I’m mainly thinking about and looking forward to the #NathanPhotoAdvent22 which for those who don’t know is my daily photoposting of all things Christmas as I see/record bits of it all.
Looking back I started making Christmas images a number of years ago, difficult to place exactly when as I think I did them pre Insta and pre posting but as I’m looking back, I’m thinking about early 2000’s!!! I started it as a way to try and reconnect to the traditional aspects of Christmas, this time of year was tinged with demanding work schedules, it could always be a bit miserable for a whole host of reasons. So I thought I’d explore it with new eyes through the power of photography and see if that brought any cheer.
A Father Christmas bauble hangs from a tree and stares into your eyes, possibly checkin if you’ve been naughty or nice
The brief is open, it’s just photographing anything connected to Christmas, Santa, Father Christmas, trees, presents, coffee cups, branding, randomness, more snatas, more tinsel etc, etc. Think my favourite from last year was an image I made of the shape of a Christmas tree in a pavement puddle, which I quite loved. Here’s a link to that image:
This is all just for fun; usually delete them in the New Year but think I’ll post them all in one post on insta for prosperity. Also if you’d like to take part then please do, I’ll also add it in to the #NpMonthlyWord for December which will be Christmas.
So there you go, wishing you all a great festive time and a Merry Christmas.
As ever thank you for reading and if you have any comments, feedback, thoughts or anything then please get me through the usual channels.
Thank you.