Teaching session Idea #3
Hello again, welcome to another blog from the inner workings of NathanPhoto, as this is the third one of the month and in following my new formula, this musing is going to explore some of my teaching session ideas.
What is it actually you need to learn when learning about photography?
Like anything you can ask the usual questions of the how, the why, the what, the where and the when, but maybe they need to be a little more specific when talking about photography, to this end I’ve put together a (sort of) list of my 26 things that you need to know about photographies.
The acceptance, the braveness, the creativity, the desire, the expectations, the fashions, the grit, the habit, the interest, the just, the knack, the love, the market, the nutrient, the openness, the professionalism, the quick, the reception, the style, the terminology, the understanding, the value, the warmth, the xtra, the young and the Zen.
As you may have noticed I do love an A to Z of explaining things, I believe it really does set quite nice boundaries, plus it manoeuvres your thoughts into decisions about which ones are the most applicable, e.g. I think I’m missing the technical for the t but went with terminology instead to make it a little less prescriptive.
Think this A 2 Z approach plays well into the consideration of the boundaries upon the pedagogy of photography, as ‘they’ say:
‘photography is easy that’s what makes it hard.’
Next as a group/single activity can you make your own A to Z of what you think you need to know about photography using the single word to a letter of the alphabet formula.
Now as I think each person in the world would rank each of those differently, hopefully there will be uniqueness and there may be overlaps. Think that both of those are as interesting as each other as they can be so telling of directions needed and can inform the way sessions should/could go.
You can also use stretch and challenge in this activity with the addition of naming their personal favourite photographers and/or titans of the medium, then you can progress into the work itself, styles attributes etc.
All of this knowledge helps gain an understanding, knowledge and mastery of photographies. Now for the plenary
‘How was that?’
I realise I normally give an update on the monthly progress of the long-term project on ‘Tasle Alley’ but as this month’s workload has pushed the making of images to the end of the month, so it doesn’t quite fit in with this one, so I will have to do a post update after I’ve done the work.
Instead I’ll leave you with this image taken earlier this month as an image for the post. It is ever so twee but does leave me with a sense that spring is here, the blossoms come out regularly at this time of year but then decide when they do, their regular is different to ours, so even the regular isn’t regular!
First blossom of spring and one of the first blue skies in a while, combined together.
What do we think? Any good?
Thank you for reading. And if you have any feedback, thoughts, comments or anything’s, then please get me though the usual channels.