end of the month thoughts
Hello again, welcome to another blog from the inner workings of NathanPhoto, as I stated at the beginning of the year, I’ve kinda put these into an order now of how and when I’ll do them, this is to give it a familiar feel but allow for some time between them and counterintuitively not making them too samey! That puts this one as an ‘end of a five-week month an end of the month update about where I’m at but which doesn’t normally fit into the usual formats one’ what a succinct and jazzy title hey?
First of all, can I say hasn’t January gone fast!!! Are we heading for a similar form like last year, where that’s all anyone could say about the year, please let us hope not. I mentioned most of what I’ve done this month but probs didn’t mention that January saw me looking after myself a little more, cutting down on the excesses, starting a calorie-controlled diet, exercising more, eating less types of vibe. This is mainly down to health reasons as I approach that milestone in age, as l think I still have value and can contribute. (Low and behold just after I write this an article appears about being over that certain age and losing your usefulness at work!)
Speaking of those last two ideas, they have seeped/thought/discussed into all my practices recently, maybe it’s the time of year, maybe it’s an age thing, maybe it’s the thoughts that more of my career is behind me than in front of me, I wonder about the images I’ve made and thoughts along the line of ‘have I taken my best picture yet?’ You know the one that sums me up as a photographer, as NathanPhoto (now that is another blog for another time!) Part of that thinking has been around relevance, value and contributions. Specifically for NathanPhoto it has centred around teaching, work produced, this blog and future projects.
As an update you may have noticed I’ve been doing less commercial work, this is a combination of design and the time of year, I see NathanPhoto moving into more stock, project based, work that I want to do. But one thing I do miss is portraits, so much so that I’m setting up a more proactive call out looking for people. Making portraits is a big thing missing form my work recently, considering I used to do so many, doing so little of them is an aera that I want to address, so here I am, just a photographer asking you if you want to stand in front of my camera and make some images, please.
You’ll see more of this in the coming months so I’ll talk about it as and when, but what else can you look forward to in February then? Well my Plans for February involve sharing more Teaching session in suggested packages as I look for more teaching work, culmination of the #NpMonthlyWord for Jan, which was ‘New*.’ Project update on Tasle Alley, which is developing well, although not smoothly, l thinks it’s important to acknowledge that. More Archive thoughts both as in a picture for Feb, thoughts on backing up CDs and how it’s splitting, as well as some more current based ones that I’ve not thought of yet!
*Quick update if you’re looking for a head start for Feb, the #NpMonthlyWord was New for January and the word for February will be ‘Love’, interpret anyway you’d like and have fun with it.
As ever there’s a lot of words so I’ll leave you with a picture this one I made as something or nothing about fitting in and being accepted, it you don’t fit then you don’t fit and anything you do to make yourself fit will be damaging to your inner ‘piece’ or something along those lines and how better to illustrate that with a simply made top-down view of a jigsaw piece. That work?
Picture of a jigsaw piece with two ins and two outs, vaguely symmetrical if it wasn’t for the wood grain the table heading upwards from right to left and downwards from right to left.
Thank you again for reading. And if you have any feedback, thoughts, comments or anything’s, then please get me though the usual channels.