Happy New Year !!
So here we are in 2022 filled with all the hope that a new year brings, I’ll add my voice to the hope that 22 is a good one for all. Let’s face it even a 22 that’s only a shade better than ‘21 will be an outstanding year, such was the poor quality of ’21.
As mentioned previously, this year I’m planning on spending more time with NP, and by imposing a few guides for its progression with the aim of slightly freeing the brand up. This will mainly result in a few different approaches, hopefully resulting in something more like what I’d like to think NP is. I think this is really a great thing. I really feel that I now know what NP is and what it can do now…I’ve split this into different strands which I’ve put in a rough mind map/chart here:
I’m already making progress on this as I’ve already applied for a couple of actual photo jobs, studio work mainly, thinking this process could be fun. Let’s see how many creative ways a HR dept can say that despite my 31 years of experience in photography that they aren’t enough…when really they want to say that I’m too old or my works rubbish or my face doesn’t fit..
Insert suitable emoji here
I have noticed with putting myself back into work that I need some new content and possibly some fresher folio work. Combining this with shooting some work for projects, I’ll be calling out for people…. I used to do this on Facebook and gained a bit of success but now I’m off there I’ll have to try other means, any suggestions?
Well to start laying out some feelers these are what I’m currently looking for
· Gymnastic/dance type indivisual: This is for the missed/recreated project where I saw a shot that I missed in the summer and looking for someone who can do a cartwheel.
· Gingas – Should I aim to recapture some images of Gingas project? I shot a lot of portraits back in 2013 so coming up to the 10th anniversary!
· Influencers: Who are these people and what do they do? This is an idea for a future portrait book that I’ve had for a while so thought I’d act upon it.
· Anyone. Would anyone like their picture maken by me?
I’ll also throw it out there that I’d like to do some more socially engaged work and some documentary work too. Something that works with groups in helping them learn about photography as well as producing images with them. While we are speaking of projects I’m also pondering recreating a Eugène Atget approach to space with a set of pictures based upon a street..
As if all that wasn’t enough, I’m going to resurrect something I did on my much-missed evening classes where I used a single word an inspiration to make an image, I am going to expand the time frame though to a monthly timeframe rather than weekly. I’ll whisper this next bit as when I seem to start the planning of it, something crops up to completely disrupt it….I may combine this with a very slight possible plan to start a teaching YouTube channel, although I know there’s more than enough of these and you get an influx of them around this time add in that is more than too many podcasts in this area so it may fall by the wayside till I get a position.
The single word for this month (I’ll use an overused word for January) is “New. That word again is “New”
Let’s see what that can do ! and if you’d like to take part then give me a shout and we’ll sort something..
I could expand on the rest but think I’ve gone on enough, as I aim to keep these blogs short and sweet. I’ll expand on the bits missed in future blogs. As pictures and blogs go together like broken and resolutions and this one is no different, the picture for this blog is of my New Year’s day walk where the light was amazing and it felt like there was a picture on every step, some days you get those.
A silhouette image of people descending a stairway with the receding light of January the 1st 2022 taken from slightly below looking up at the figures.
Thank you for reading and let me know any thoughts, comments or ideas on the usual channels.
Here’s to 2022 !